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Preparing for Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Preparing for Your Personal Injury Lawsuit


Let’s say you’ve been involved in a vehicle accident. You survived it, but you are pretty banged up, and now you are considering a personal injury lawsuit. There’s no telling just when you’re going to be feeling 100 percent normal again, either physically or emotionally, and it can be hard to focus on all the details you need to have ready. Obviously, a key step is to find a good lawyer, such as the Pennsylvania personal injury specialists at Applebaum & Associates. To help them get the best results possible for you and your family, it is good to be well-prepared in advance. Here are some of the key tasks you need to focus on if you’ve been hurt in a car crash.

                                    Dates and Times

If possible, record as many details as you can before even leaving the scene. The specifics tend to get blurry quickly as soon as you leave and start dealing with police, doctors, and insurance agents.


As they say, a photo is worth a thousand words, and that is never truer than when you are trying to prove your case in court. Make sure to get all vehicles and debris in a way that shows their relative positions.

                                    Names and Numbers

It is crucial to get the names and contact numbers for everyone involved in the crash, and also anyone who may be able to serve as a witness. Even if you’re not sure they saw anything useful, get their info so you have the ability to find out what they know at a later time. If the police were involved be sure to get the name of the attending officer and ask to be sent a copy of the police report.

                                    Doctor’s Orders

Once you have received treatment follow the directions to a tee. Compliance with medical advice can be a major part of a personal injury claim.

                                    Document Expenses

Keep receipts of all expenses relating to the incident, including logging time missed from work.

If you have all of that in order, the personal injury specialists at Applebaum & Associates will be properly equipped to deal with your claim in the most efficient and effective manner. Give them a call to discuss your options today!

Preparing for Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Even if you are arrested and charged, there is still hope. An experienced criminal defense attorney in Pennsylvania, like Michael Applebaum, can help you aggressively combat charges, and many will provide a free initial consultation. Investing in your own legal representation may help you avoid thousands of dollars in fines, as well as possible felony convictions and state prison time, depending on the severity of the charge.

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